रविवार, 20 नवंबर 2016

Too many chefs, spoils the Soup: Political friends

Too many chefs, spoils the Soup

We are here to do good. In fact every one is..

why should we dissipate all our energies in the political agendas abdicating our prime goal.
 many would claim it for good of society and nation, and youngsters mustn't avoid these concerns
but will these be helpful if we jeopardize future of ourselves and be good for nothing 
 I understand that "Youth is pillar of nation" and so I say; why to put all our heads 
when there is already plenty of nation's representatives doing good in their deeds, 
       whether we like them in person or not 

I have seen youngsters just crossed 18 and choosing a side or any other in hurry without analyzing 
  they just sway away with commotion in crowd, and try to justify themselves and their side whatsoever the situation of events occur
Is it justice to ourselves?

why so hurry friends, why so hurry
Image is just for having a mental picture of  the topic; and it has nothing to do with US Elections  16 

we are Young blood, 
we need to be calm before showing agitation
we learn to swiftly flow before give fire blow 

and if then anyone wants jump into "mudda", at least he would have some better understanding

Till then we can leave these to people doing good and we itself would be contributing in progress of all

So the proverb-title says

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