सोमवार, 23 मार्च 2020

Trade-offs & Thrill

It's been a while, away from social media; and again on these platforms I am here, can't say for what - like ascetic, preaching or reclaiming what 'trade-off' I refused to entertain earlier. This time just trying to - try not to get bogged down for a little longer than before.

'trade - offs' to be made constantly for achieving what holds utmost priority in one's life. Once that is achieved, those 'trade-offs' matters so less, as if  it were some arbitrary desires - which can be shunned off (sometimes with temporary hiccups).  Successes give a kick,... a thrill. memories rush in of those - trade-offs, hiccups of suppression of momentary desires - and then self-satisfaction fills inside.

We all know, some might also experienced it at sometime, yet some refuse to accept!

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