Capitalism - Communism divide
(* After revolution, term 'Socialism' and 'Communism' were used
interchangeably by communist government to seek legitimacy of their policies)
Each of these ideology always held contrary views to another and have struggled to dominate world politics. In this power tussle they continuously refuted scope of coexistence - taking offensive stance.
After successful revolution of Bolsheviks against repressive tsarist regime, Lenin and his men were aiming for world revolution - wanting the world to lead to a system alternative to capitalist. (also they wanted to establish 'dictatorship of proletariat' and a 'classless society'). This idea of world revolution, after first world war, challenged Capitalist nations of western Europe and Americas - and world divided into camps of 'Capitalist - Communist' - which later developed into 'USA - USSR' Cold War - due to later developments.
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Time and again one's action infuriated the other. - be it 'Treaty of Brest - Litovsk' after WW1 or occupation of East Germany by Russia during WW2 - causing resentment among respective masses.
After second world war, this tussle of dominance picked up a full throttle around the world. China found its own version of Communism under leadership of Mao-tse-sung founding 'People's republic' in 1949, sending nationalist party of Chaing kai shek, in exile to island of Taiwan. This raised alarm in western countries; USA and its allies get prepared to stop spread of communism further in other not-so-good economies. Afterwards which Korean War (!950 -1953), Vietnam War (1955- 1975), Cambodian Civil War (1967- 1975).
Inside Europe presence of USSR in East Germany led to communist takeover/ influence of other war- crippled economies - Poland (1947), Czechoslovakia (1948), Hungary (1949), Romania(1947), Bulgaria(1946), Albania(1946), Yugoslavia(1945, Communist but later expelled from cominform). This led offering arms and financial aid to these nations by USA under The Truman Doctrine (March 1947) and Marshall Plan (June 1947). In response, Stalin Soviet set up the Cominform in Sept 1947. Further Molotov Plan and Comecon for providing Russian aid and co-ordinating economic policies in the satellites. The tussle also had led to crisis of Berlin blockade and airlift (June 1948 - May 1949).
In 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis led world into shock of possibility of a Nuclear war. Cuban government was receiving help from communist forces of Russia and her allies against USA. The crisis was contained but with caution of aftermath of this kind of war.
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Fall of Communism
Khrushchev started destalinization of soviet Russia; also satellite states were not happy with authoritarianism and repression under successive governments in Moscow. Further the development in two Germanies, eventually led to fall of Berlin Wall and collapse of Soviet Union. Also as the situation was in Yugoslavia was of multiple ethnicities, it was only a miracle that they were co-existing after war without having spillover of any feeling of nationalism, militancy or rebellion. But after death of Marshal Tito, lack of strong leadership created a havoc; and after 1991 Yugoslavia itself split into seven countries, and Kosovo war had devastating effect on masses.
In the end it is only to learn that while capitalism triumphed and communism breathed at last post 1991, reconciliation and compromise be opted against aggression, by all parties, on priority basis to avoid devastation. The approach of 'My way or Highway' has been applied far enough, and it is to realize that it doesn't lasts long.
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